Offers ESL Instruction at CWC Jackson

Registration for Spring Term Classes is Closed.
Fall 2025 Semester Registration – May 26, 2025 to August 1, 2025


Versión en español a continuación

CWC College & Career Readiness offers ESL Instruction at CWC-Jackson.

ESL classes are offered in a hybrid format with live instruction via Zoom/Canvas. This allows students to participate from throughout the CWC service area. Our program is grant funded allowing us to provide these classes free of charge. We do ask students to recognize that enrollment space is limited, and if you are admitted to the class, another student may be left out. Please be committed to the program and your success.  ESL classes are designed to help improve general English language skills for work, everyday life, and college-level courses. Our teachers care about your success and we understand that every single lesson can make a difference. Students in the program will also learn skills that will empower their career goals and educational opportunities.  Beginning, Intermediate/Advanced Classes are offered Fall and Spring semesters. 

Spring 2024 classes began the week of January 16, 2024 and are closed for the semester. Registration for Fall Term classes can begin on June 1, 2024. Registration is completed online via the link provided. Registrations older than 90 days are removed from the system. Late registrations cannot be accepted due to testing and course development requirements.

Fall Semester
Last day for Registration: July 26, 2024
TABE CLASS E Testing for Placement: August 14-15, 2024
Classes Begin: Week of August 26
Semester Ends: Post Testing Completed: December 13

Spring Semester
Last day for Registration: December 13, 2024
TABE Class E Testing for Placement: January 8-10, 2025
Classes Begin: Week of January 20, 2025
Semester Ends: Post Testing Completed May 15, 2025

The application is completed 100% online:

If you want to get started learning English immediately or your work schedule prohibits your ability to take a class. Check out for free online classes.

Contact Information:

For more information about registration or classes, or to schedule an appointment, please contact:

Christy Pyles
Phone: 307-855-2189




CWC College & Career Readiness ofrece instrucción ESL en CWC-Jackson.

Las clases de ESL se ofrecen en un formato híbrido con instrucción en vivo a través de Zoom/Canvas. Esto permite que los estudiantes participen de toda el área de servicio de CWC. Nuestro programa está financiado por subvenciones, lo que nos permite ofrecer estas clases de forma gratuita. Les pedimos a los estudiantes que reconozcan que el espacio de inscripción es limitado y, si lo admiten en la clase, es posible que otro estudiante quede fuera. Por favor, comprométase con el programa y su éxito. Las clases de ESL están diseñadas para ayudar a mejorar las habilidades generales del idioma inglés para el trabajo, la vida cotidiana y los cursos de nivel universitario. Nuestros maestros se preocupan por su éxito y entendemos que cada lección puede marcar la diferencia. Los estudiantes en el programa también aprenderán habilidades que potenciarán sus objetivos profesionales y oportunidades educativas. Las clases de principiante, intermedio/avanzado se ofrecen en los semestres de otoño y primavera. Con una clase avanzada especializada en el semestre de verano, lectura y escritura para la educación secundaria y el trabajo. La inscripción en la clase de verano requiere un nivel de fluidez de 5 o superior.

La solicitud se completa 100% en línea:

Información del contacto:
Para obtener más información sobre el registro o las clases, o para programar una cita, comuníquese con:

Christy Pyles
Teléfono: 307-855-2189
Correo electrónico:



This class will introduce basic grammar structures and everyday vocabulary that will help beginning English speakers interact better with people in the workplace and in the community. Each unit will incorporate interactive speaking, listening, and reading activities, as well as workbook exercises. Songs, holiday activities, computer literacy activities, and civics lessons will also be a part of this course. 


This class will explore advanced ESL texts based on the needs and desires of the students. Students will learn to develop fluid conversational skills, improve reading comprehension, and apply advanced grammatical constructs in writing. Holiday activities, computer literacy activities, and civics lessons will also be integrated into the course.  

Online Learning for ESL

Online learning is an essential component of the ESL program which allows students the flexibility of learning English on a digital device (computer, tablet, smartphone) outside of class. Students will learn how to use the online learning website and will receive technology training in class to learn basic computer and digital literacy skills.

Reading and Writing Skills for Post-Secondary Education and Work

This class will help students improve their reading and writing skills to advance their education and career opportunities. 

Contact Information

For more information about registration or classes, or to schedule an appointment, please contact:

Christy Pyles
Phone: 307-855-2189

Other Free English Language Learning Opportunities

Missed the enrollment deadlines and want to start learning right away? We recommend:

The #ELFamilyToolkit helps families and educators stay connected to the latest tips, tools, and practical resources to support ELs enrolled in U.S. schools. Download this FREE resource today!

EL Family Toolkit Promo in Spanish

Contact Us

ESL Office and Classroom
240 S. Glenwood Ave.
Center for the Arts, Room 305
(307) 855-2189